Sunday, June 7, 2009


Dad left this morning for Badin, NC to pack up their remaining possessions and will drive back to Englewood this week in a U-Haul. Doug & I flew down from Boston on Friday and have so far enjoyed the lovely Florida thunderstorms as well as sunshine! We managed to go for a dip in the pool on Saturday after getting home from the hospital. The day started out wondering if Mom had a bowel obstruction and ended by watching a movie together in the living room. The realm of cancer-related "issues" strikes on it's own time, with complete disregard to schedule, and is very disrespectful. After a shot of Relistor, Mom was literally running for the nearest toilet- which she would sit on for the next hour. Luckily, her bowels woke up and a CT scan revealed there was no bowel obstruction... just the ever haunting narcotic-induced sleepy bowel syndrome. We stayed in the hospital with Mom and Dad until Mom's IV fluid drip had completed, and returned home for a late lunch and catching up. Later on, we celebrated Doug's 29th by eating some delicious ice-box cake that Mom had prepared, courtesy of her grandmother's recipe.

1 comment:

The Honeymooners-Chris and Noelani K. Miranda said...

Yummy. Ice box cake...No Doubt it's better than my favorite carvel. I'm putting in an order :)