No major changes in the past couple of days ... nothing significantly better or worse but Mom continues to decline. The Hospice nurse who was here Monday ordered some anti-anxiety med. so mom might be able to sleep a little more continually through the night (she wakes up about every hour) and to take the edge off during the day. This morning mom said she only woke up three times last night, slept considerably better and woke up at 7 a.m. instead of the typical 4:30 or 5 a.m.
Yesterday morning she was particularly weak and loopy. She'd fall asleep in the middle of saying something. She doesn't want help getting upstairs (about 15 stairs?) or in the bathroom yet. She's pretty stubborn (I can't blame her) and is desperately trying to hold on to taking care of herself and feeling some sense of normalcy. Yesterday the Hospice social worker came over to talk with Mom and Dad and another Hospice person delivered a hospital bed. Mom wanted the bed next to the windows so she can look out and see the birds/bird feeder and feel the fresh air.
Katie and I went back to Boston for only a couple of hours yesterday to pick up some clothes etc. and stopped by Katie's work so she could sign a leave form.
We had a lovely visit over the weekend with Katie's in-laws Warren and Jean from the Chicago area. They were able to spend some time with the family and also discover where our family is from.
Sunday Nana arrived and is staying in a basement apartment at a friend of the family. Katie and I took her to visit Papa's grave at the Veterans Cemetery yesterday and then to buy a new purse. I am so relieved that she's here.
Over the weekend we also had several special food deliveries from all sorts of friends. Some of Katie's friends from Boston brought several pans of homemade lasagna rolls (the new wave of lasagna!), mac & cheese, cupcakes, salad, loaves of bread, gallons of beverages, and best of all, disposable plates and utensils! Other family friends brought homemade soup and casseroles. Their generosity and thoughtfulness was so great. Funny to think that going to the grocery store and meal planning could ever be challenging... but it is such a relief to open the fridge or freezer and not have to think. (It is sort of full now though.)
This evening mom's uncle Ricky from California arrives and also her college roommate Maura from Maryland. Tomorrow a long-time family friend, Margaret, who lives in California arrives. A week from Friday Randy arrives from N.C., and Uncle David and Aunt Fairlie from Utah. Others are contemplating visits. Lots of people love mom (us too) and being very supportive!
Mom continues to receive cards and flowers which brighten up her days. She really loves getting cards and hearing from people. If anyone wants to send her a note the address here in Jamestown is:
64 Pemberton Ave.
Jamestown, RI 02835
Please pass along the address to anyone else who may want it!
RIP Martha, who passed away on Aug 8, 2009 from Primary Peritoneal Cancer.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Sunday, July 26, 2009
We made it to Beavertail
Friday, July 24, 2009
July update
This is the most difficult blog post as of yet. Kim, Mom and I have tried coming up with a variety of ways to declare the unfortunate, the obvious, the inevitable.
Mom's body wants something very different than her mind.
The tumors are relentless and paying no attention to the Doxil chemotherapy that Mom has been getting since June. At this point her entire medical team (both in Venice and in RI) agrees that further treatment would be unsuccessful based on the last CT scan results which showed innumerable lesions on the liver, some in the lower pelvis and larger masses compressing the left ureter, leading to swelling of the kidney.
Mom came up to Rhode Island for a summer visit and it no longer appears as though she'll travel back to Florida.
We have all met with several Hospice workers including a nurse, social worker, chaplain and also the minister from St Matthew's Episcopal Church (where Mom went as a child). Mom & Dad are designing their plot at their final resting place at Cedar Cemetary in Jamestown where they will join many other relatives.
Cancer is taking up a lot of Mom's energy right now, and although she would love to talk and visit with all of her friends and family, it is challenging. If you are too far away to come visit and would like to schedule a phone chat with Mom, please email one of us to set it up.
Mom still looks forward to the mail delivery every day and appreciates each and every note she receives.
Their address here is:
64 Pemberton Avenue Jamestown RI 02835
Thank you all for your continued support through this most difficult and challenging time.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
This evening, Mom is going to South County Hospital for bloodwork, a CT scan of the abdomen and a Chest X-ray. Next week she finally gets a FULL BODY scan of the bone. As of today, the oncologist increased her pain medication and tomorrow a visiting Hospice nurse is coming to discuss their programs. They will wait for the test results before deciding on continuing Mom's chemo (scheduled for the end of the month).
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Doxil #2
Mom had chemo on Wednesday at South County Hospital in Wakefield, RI. Her nurse Leah is amazing and conducted an extremely thorough interview regarding Mom's ADL's (activities of daily living) and sat down with a Pain Management Specialist to come up with a better plan for Mom. It was SO IMPRESSIVE! Let's hope that the adjustments are productive.
So many friends have stopped by! Here are some photos from the last 7 days.. .enjoy!

Mom and Bobby- still matching hairdo's!
Bobby asked Mom when the last time she had a part was. She responded, "3rd or 4th grade!"

We all got chowdah and clamcakes from Chopmist Charlies and went up to Beavertail!
What a treat.
Mom also had visits from Don & Epsey, Louise & Eddie, Kathy B, cousin Susanne... who took Mom for a ride in her Miata! It has been a full week, and so amazing to see the love and support from all our friends and family. Thank you all so much for continuing to believe in Mom as she fights this battle, running uphill.
So many friends have stopped by! Here are some photos from the last 7 days.. .enjoy!
Mom and Bobby- still matching hairdo's!
Bobby asked Mom when the last time she had a part was. She responded, "3rd or 4th grade!"
We all got chowdah and clamcakes from Chopmist Charlies and went up to Beavertail!
What a treat.
Mom also had visits from Don & Epsey, Louise & Eddie, Kathy B, cousin Susanne... who took Mom for a ride in her Miata! It has been a full week, and so amazing to see the love and support from all our friends and family. Thank you all so much for continuing to believe in Mom as she fights this battle, running uphill.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mom & Dad safely arrived from Florida on Saturday, July 4th! I picked them up in Worcester and we were settled in Jtwn by 5pm. It wasn't long before family and friends came over by the handful to say hi! Over the weekend we spent time with Kelly & Mark, Abby, Julie, Carolyn, Cheri, Monique, Chris, Bobby, and Mary M. It was so wonderful to see everyone!
Mom has an appointment with her new summer oncologist tomorrow and another round of Doxil chemo on Wednesday. Her CA-125 is rising and pain near/on her liver is escalating. Mom also has aches from her neck to her toes. Let's all hope this chemo stops her cells from dividing...PRONTO!
Mom has an appointment with her new summer oncologist tomorrow and another round of Doxil chemo on Wednesday. Her CA-125 is rising and pain near/on her liver is escalating. Mom also has aches from her neck to her toes. Let's all hope this chemo stops her cells from dividing...PRONTO!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Happy July 1.... photos and observations

Mom checking out a comfy rocker at Mr. T's on Friday

I really can't emphasize how many curve balls and ups and downs cancer throws. Every day is different, and there are highs and lows throughout every day. The new chemo (Doxil) mom is on now wears her out, but it's very evident that she's not letting it get her down completely. Between the chemo and the regular shot mom's getting, her appetite is completely bizarre, energy level pretty low, and lot of random nausea, but the anti-nausea medicine does help out.
I think if I had to rate my overall observations from diagnosis - now, I would rate the two weeks I was here at Christmas as the lowest point I saw. When I was here in February mom was having a tough time, but seemed to be doing better than she was in December. During my April visit, mom was at her best. I think now she's somewhere in between. When Katie was here a few weeks ago mom was having a heck of a time to say the least and I think she's come a long, long way in just a few weeks. (Plus the blood transfusion on Thursday really helped out a lot.) Mom's spirit is amazing and she's working hard at trying to feel good, staying positive as much as possible and making daily goals (despite taking all her pills, getting her shots, vomiting, and spending a lot of time on the couch).
Some big things mom accomplished: a few walks around the block, getting in the pool once, a short and early trip to the Gulf View Grill (mom and dad's favorite local spot) and a trip to Mr. T's to pick out flowers/plants for the oasis.
Her newest goal is to get on an airplane on Saturday, July 4 to Rhode Island to visit family and friends, and escape the crazy-hot Florida weather that really restricts what she can do. Her next chemo is scheduled for July 8 in Rhode Island.
For now, we all continue with taking everything one day at a time.
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