This is the most difficult blog post as of yet. Kim, Mom and I have tried coming up with a variety of ways to declare the unfortunate, the obvious, the inevitable.
Mom's body wants something very different than her mind.
The tumors are relentless and paying no attention to the Doxil chemotherapy that Mom has been getting since June. At this point her entire medical team (both in Venice and in RI) agrees that further treatment would be unsuccessful based on the last CT scan results which showed innumerable lesions on the liver, some in the lower pelvis and larger masses compressing the left ureter, leading to swelling of the kidney.
Mom came up to Rhode Island for a summer visit and it no longer appears as though she'll travel back to Florida.
We have all met with several Hospice workers including a nurse, social worker, chaplain and also the minister from St Matthew's Episcopal Church (where Mom went as a child). Mom & Dad are designing their plot at their final resting place at Cedar Cemetary in Jamestown where they will join many other relatives.
Cancer is taking up a lot of Mom's energy right now, and although she would love to talk and visit with all of her friends and family, it is challenging. If you are too far away to come visit and would like to schedule a phone chat with Mom, please email one of us to set it up.
Mom still looks forward to the mail delivery every day and appreciates each and every note she receives.
Their address here is:
64 Pemberton Avenue Jamestown RI 02835
Thank you all for your continued support through this most difficult and challenging time.
Malama Pono--A good friend of mine tells me all the time to do this and here is her spectacular meaning of it.."take care to bring your whole into healthy harmony."
Our love and thoughts to all of you, especially to you Martha.
You look beautiful, Martha! I wish you all peace and simplicity right now. Thinking of you always, Michelle
You all will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.
Beckie & Brent Munson
Martha, Andy, Kate and Kim:
While I have not been in contact with your family over the last few years, I hear much through the Dolphin Dr. grapevine and my parents. I have looked upon Martha as a sign of hope, strength and effervescent love since her frightening journey began. By being a fixture in my childhood, you have all become a permanent part of my life and thoughts. So, to offer return, I wish for you all to feel that same hope, strength and lightening love with which you have unknowingly graced my life.
Matt Demers
I miss seeing your smiling face at Florida Cancer Specialists. I can only think of one day that you were struggling with being in pain - and you felt so guilty! You should never feel guilty for anything this battle has waged upon you. I will always think of you as a very special lady, one who has brought gifts into this world. Gifts of knowledge and love that have taught so many of us to stop and think about the really important things in life - to love one another, to care about each other and to set examples for those who are paying attention!
I miss you terribly and pray for you always. With Love, Lea.
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