Friday, August 28, 2009

It's hard to believe . . .

That one year ago, Mom had an appointment with her gynecologist to go over the test results from a transvaginal ultrasound and biopsy. The ultrasound showed some kind of tumor and the pathology came back irregular but non-cancerous. The diagnosis one year ago was a benign fibroid tumor in the uterus.

Here is an excerpt from an email from Mom:

"My body is producing too much estrogen which is making a fibroid tumor (NO CANCER) in my uterus to grow (size of a tangerine) and cause the pain I have been experiencing. Stress related! No surprise. What I wasn't prepared for was the doctors recommendation of a hysterectomy!

Then on Monday I received a call from my gynecologist that my I have an abnormal pap smear result (atypical glandular cells) and that I need to have two biopsies. Uterus and Cervix. In the mean time I have a return check up with my gastro. Dr. and he advises me to go off the aleve/ibuprofen regiment that I was taking to control the pain. Toxic! I felt as though I was 10 months pregnant and I thought I was going to burst."

What's the bottom line?

Even modern medicine isn't fool proof.

Know your body.

Know your symptoms.

Help spread the word.


MMW said...

Katie, you are so right, know your body. What I know now is I thought I did not have symptoms only to read what I was expierencing, frequent urination, feeling of fullness (unusual for me), and lower back pain was in fact, cancer growing inside of me.
These symptoms,I assumed was age related and I had to deal with what I considered annoying.
In Feb 2009, I was rushed to the hospital with severe abdominal pain and tests revealed I had a bowel blockage and a CA 125 level of 2,800, normal is 35. CA 125 is an indidcator for Ovarian cancer.
Long story short emergency surgery revealed stage III C Primary Peritioneal cancer. The debaulking surgery and immediate chemo therapy was a success, as I am curently in remission.
Ladies, recognize the sympyoms you may think are annoying or age appropriate and get checked out. Don't hesitate to tell your doctor what you are expierencing. Mothers talk to you daughters and make sure your daughters and granddaughters are aware of the symptoms.
Thanks for the reminder Katie, it can't be said enough.

Anonymous said...

It's Friday September 4th. We are celebrating Martha's birthday by all wearing teal at the office and passing out teal pins to anyone who wishes to participate upon your request, Happy Birthday Martha. Lea

katie said...

Thank you Marge and Lea!!!